Untitled (Webs, Newburgh)
2018 (on-going series)
cobwebs, paper, adhesive
18 x 25” / 21.5 x 28” with frame
Domestic Fault 2 (Brittle Response)
2018 (on-going series)
Salvaged peeled house paint fragments sewn with the artist’s hair, mounted on the wall with salvaged nails.
approx.. 20 x 4 x 1/4”
Suspended Hemlock 1
Eastern Hemlock branch, the artist's hair, paper, needles
11 x 15 x 6”
Embodied Drawings are works on paper and works hung on the wall that are made from salvaged and organic material traces often entangled with traces from the artist’s body. They explore material languages between accumulation/construction and entropy/deconstruction at the intersection of human bodies, architecture, and the natural world. These works honor the physical traces and poetic resonance of kinship, reciprocity, entanglement, and becoming through small gestures of re-pair (pairing again), re-vision, and momentary suspension with the goal of increasing capacity for response-ability and more-than-human community.